Join me for a powerful alchemy sound bath to channel this potent 11/11 portal energy to exactly what your heart desires. 11/11 is one of the most magical days of the year for manifestation. The number 11 is a master number representing your instincts and intuition, and holds extraordinary powers. When the number appears twice, the energy of this master number fuels our manifestations.
The sacred geometry of 11/11 also reveals its true power. The shape of the number 11 creates two pillars that form a gateway and a portal of light. This gateway, in which we are in the center, creates space for us to be in a column of light. It is a space to be inspired, to receive wisdom + love, and to be in perfect alignment with the universe. It is also a reminder that you are always co-creating with the Divine, and that you have the ability to manifest whatever you are being inspired to create.
If there is something you've been wanting to call-in then this high vibrational alchemy sound journey will help you amplify your energy to align with it!
Self-investment: $55 per guest // Space is limited
Please bring a yoga mat, pillow, socks, eye mask, and anything else that will make you feel comfortable. The studio provides blankets and bolsters.
I hope to see you in the column of light!
xo Amy